Alchemy of the Heart 

Awakening to Intelligence

Online course  with Anette Carlstrom

Alchemy of the Heart 

Awakening to Intelligence

 Online Course



Connect the Heart & Brain

Get in touch with the Presence of Heart Intelligence and connect the Heart & Brain. Tap into the wisdom and technology of consciousness that helps to release the unconscious currents and brings the power of liberation.

Let Your Heart Be Fulfilled

Enter a Golden timeline where Intelligence emerges from higher laws of consciousness and brings us into the Goodness and Truth of our True Nature. Start Living from a platform with your own personal connection to the Sacred Presence within; the presence of Gratitude, Peace, Joy and Unconditional Love. This is a Gift and not something we can attain ourselves. Move into a Powerful Process of Seeing your Truth and Surrender into the Process of Alchemy of the Heart.

Learn the Art of Letting Go

Let Your Heart Be Fulfilled

– Deeply Guided Meditative Processes

– Sacred Mantras Energy Transmissions

You will take part of:

  • Ancient wisdom of the technology of consciousness

  • Transformation of negative energies into positive

  • Guided deep meditative processes

  • Healing energy transmission through Sacred Mantras

Alchemy of the Heart –

Awakening to Intelligence

with Anette

2 hours – $ 49


Sacred Mantra Sound – Medicine of Transformation

Heliga mantran har kraften att rena negativa energier och överföra fysiskt, känslomässigt och andligt helande. Dessa heliga ljud tillhör den uråldriga tekniken för medvetande för att lätt föra oss in i hjärtats intelligens.

Att ta del av ett heligt mantra är det enklaste sättet att ansluta till det gudomliga medvetandet; den högre intelligensen inombords. När vi stämmer in på de heliga ljuden rensas de negativa känslorna och vi bringas i balans.

Anette har fått en gåva att när hon skanderar de heliga mantran ges en energiöverföring och en välsignelse. Dessa heliga energiöverföringar kommer att ges som en del av onlinekursen Alchemy of the Heart.

Anette profile

Meet Anette Carlstrom

Anette has travelled the world for the past 16 years sharing about the Phenomenon of Awakening into Oneness in life-giving Workshops, Satsangs and Sacred Mantra Concerts.

Anette has studied Development in Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening with Sri Amma Bhagavan at the Oneness University in India for the past 18 years.
Anette has over 20 years experience in alternative medicine, trained at the Swedish School of Kinesiology in Stockholm, specializing in Health and Cranio-Sakral Treatments.

She is an author of two acclaimed books on Consciousness Development and Awakening. ” From the Heart” and “Namaste”. Anette has also recorded several CD`s with Meditative Sacred Mantras to bring the listener into deeper states of peace and transformation.

Anette regularly holds workshops, Satsangs and meditation-events Online Courses and Live Broadcasts Golden Age Meditations from her Studio.

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