Do you need help relieving stress and tension?
The CranioSacral system reaches all the different systems in the body from muscle tension to digestion, sleep, hormonal, respiratory and skin problems as well as depression, worry, anxiety and internal stress. This deeply relaxing treatment helps the body find balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and to remove stress and tension from the different body systems.
Depending on your needs, you can also receive guidance on your spiritual path and guided transformation processes in your spiritual awakening. The treatment is a deeply relaxing experience and will continue to work for 48 hours afterwards to bring the parasympathetic nervous system into balance, after which a permanent change occurs depending on how the body has received it. Anette has 25 years of experience and is educated at the Swedish Kinesiology School in Stockholm followed by the College of Cranio-Sacral, London.
The craniosacral system is directly linked to all cells in the body – nervous system, mov
The Craniosacral system
The Craniosacral system is directly linked to all cells in the body – nervous system, movement, muscles, digestion, hormones, productive system, circulation, respiration, immune system, lymphatic system. Cranio Sacral treatment is Holistic treatment where all parts of you being is affected – both physical body, pshycho logical aspescts as well as the essensce of your soul
The treatment will continue to work for 48 hours after the treatment, after that there will be a permanent change depending on how your body responds to the treatment. Anette har 20 years of experience in Cranio Sacral Therapy and is educated at the Swedish School of Kinesiology and at the Tranberg Brothers Institute.

How does the treatment happen? In a treatment, the pressure of the cranial plates are released with help of light touch that wil free the pathways for the cerebrospinal fluid. When the cerbrospinal fluid can move freely it will nourish the entire central nervous system which is needed for optimal healing. The treatment is experienced as deeply relaxing.
Our skull consists of different plates that are cohesive through sutures, lines consisting of 5 different layers. The two toplayers are locked but the three lower layers movable and are influenced by the movement of the membrane fluid. If any of these plates are locked into each other throug all layers, this affect dural pulse, which gives nerve cells limited nutrition to the spinal fluid.
What is it? Underneath the skull there is a fluid, the cerebrospinal fluid, which is located in the space between the brain membranes. It moves within the dural membranes. This membrane fluid pulses in a closed system, in its own rhythm of 8-12 times per minute and it is not affected by how the heart beats or how we breathe.
What can the treatment help with?
The CranioSacral system is intimately connected to all cells throughout the body, the nervous system, digestion, hormones, reproduction, circulation, respiration, immune system, lymphatic system. In other words, it reaches all the problems we carry, both physical and emotional, and strengthens the body’s own self-healing ability.
The most common symptoms that are treated:
- Burnout
- Shoulders
- Sciatica
- Mouse arm
- Headache/migraine
- Psoriasis
- Depression
- Neck pain
- Hips
- Feet- and wristproblems
- Tennis arm
- Allergy
- Dizziness
- Hormone disorders
- Agony
- Back pain
- Whiplash injuries
- Numb fingers
- Sleeping disorder
- Skin problem
- Stomach and intestine problems
- Nervousness and anxiety
Anette offers Treatments in Holistic Health with CranioSacral Therapy and Spiritual Guidance at 6e Sinnet, Kungsgatan 18 in Helsingborg, Sweden.
1 hour 1500 kr
To book a session: SMS to: +46 701414599
For more information see the Swedish website: